Repressing your EMOTION is a big NO!

Prachi Jain


I don’t know how many of us out here do this, but repressing your emotion instead of dealing with them is equivalent to taking yourself for GRANTED.

Understanding the emotions is another parameter of ART of LIVING, this parameter basically set all the other parameter at pace. While I talk about PACE each and everything has to have a certain pace so that you can function smoothly somehow. Functioning is IMPORTANT just like PACE. Maintaining a certain pace require you to function and for you to function you need to have an understanding of things happening around you, within you, with you. You will always be having moments and those moments will turn into memories and those memories will certainly be reflected as EXPERIENCE.

Yes, this is not a piece of CAKE certainly this is also BETTER SAID than DONE. But we have to make sure we aren’t taking our EMOTIONS for granted. Our emotions are going to define us for who we are. Our emotion will help us moving forward. Our emotions are going to keep us stable. It might seem like it is in FRAGMENTS but it is whole in it SELF because you are WHOLE on your OWN and nobody can replace you. You have to take care of yourself. It’s good to devotee yourself into something and to someone but in that process, we don’t have to forget who we are, what are we doing and what is our ULTIMATE goal. It’s okay to put yourself second at times and make sure your work is done but when it comes down to your emotions you just can’t take a second chance with them because once you start messing with them after that they will start messing with you and you just can’t run away from them, the more you will run the more they are going to come back to you.

You have to accept the emotions you are feeling you can only fix your emotion the moment you can accept them is the same moment you will start healing. You can’t keep yourself away from getting HURT but you can take care of yourself. The process that we are following the life that we are living you can’t get away with LOVE, you even have to deal with hurt, heartbreak basically the feeling that you could feel in this world. Sometimes you will end up throwing your emotions in your brain trash can and sometimes you will be tired of handling it and them sometimes you will just make peace with it. But maximum of the time you would end up juggling with it. Then you would end up saying you have to deal with it, it’s kind of suffering. Ultimately it all comes down to how much importance you give to your emotions and trust me when I say this, you need to give all your attention, power and time to make oneself o feel the feelings you want to feel. Don’t stop yourself from feeling anything the only way to take out that feeling which doesn’t want to feel it so we GO THROUGH IT so that you can GROW THROUGH IT.

You need to give equal importance to each and every feeling you feel and then analyze whether you should take it ahead or not sometimes you will lose control over yourselves and you would want to GIVE UP. It’s okay to give up on somethings and some feelings but it is not OKAY to GIVE UPON YOURSELF! You will need the utmost dedication and patience to keep yourself upright and sometimes LIVING will become a burden and you want to take away that LOAD. But listen you know what if you survived all of this trust me you can survive what is coming ahead of you. Things only come to you because you are capable of solving them. You just have to keep that hope alive to live and the trust to keep yourself in the position so that you can trust hope and things will become better. You will find your peace in the most unexpected way…..



Prachi Jain

I will meet you right in the middle of all the chaos, neither this side or that side..